
Der Zeppelin NT "Yokoso! Japan" departs for the ferry flight to Japan

NAC Zeppelin Ferry Flight Pin

Two days late because of the unfavourable weather the Zeppelin NT S/N 2 (previously named "Bodensee") took off on July 4th, 2004 for its ferry flight to Japan. The Zeppelin will follow partly the historic route of LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin on its journey to Japan which will cover more than 15.000 km.

Around 50 enthusiastic Zeppelin fans were present for a spontaneous farewell party at the Zeppelin hangar in Friedrichshafen.

The first leg of the transfer flight will take the airship to Halle/Oppin, from there to Berlin and Hannover before leaving Germany heading for Scandinavia. From there the route goes through Russia over Moscow until reaching Japan.

You can read more details about the Nippon Airship Corporation, the transfer flight, and the "Deutsche Zeppelin Reederei" on the following pages:

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Strong winds and bad weather prevented the launch on July 2nd and 3rd So the airship could only "fly" on the mast A crew member has to fly the airship in these conditions
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A real Zeppelin fan will still show up and wait for a possible launch Or use their chances to take a photograph without the fence in front of the lens
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The Zeppelin fans celebrate "their" Zeppelin Press spokesman Benny Witte enclosed by the fans And a very special farewell comitteee
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The wind is picking up more and more in the early afternoon In the meantime the Ryan-Air 737 is coming in for landing from London So the chances for a flight are diminishing In the end the flight was also cancelled on Saturday
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The Japanese crew with support of the DZR and Dr. Bernd Straeter Japanese pilot is going through the check-list Preparations for engine startup Many guests are around the Zeppelin to say good-bye
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Run-ups in progress The DZR crew poses for a last farewell photograph A last view of the Zeppelin in front of the hangar Fantastic view with alps in the background
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Engine tests in progress The Zeppelin is heading for the changed wind All preprations complete to go off mast At 09:31 the airship is disconnected from the mast truck
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Launch into the clear blue summer sky over Friedrichshafen The beginning of a great journey Climbing over the runway of Friedrichshafen airport A last greeting for the crew and fans on the ground
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Party time As long as the Zeppelin is in sight they keep on waving for their Zeppelin The last reflection in the glass front of the Zeppelin hangar