
Zeppelin transfer flight within US - arrival at Salinas, CA

On the evening of October 24th, 2008 the Zeppelin arrived at Salinas airport. This is the second last landing before arriving at Moffett Field, just north of San Jose. The next flight will take the Zeppelin to its new home base after visiting the Golden Gate and the Bay Area.

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10-24 18:19 - First sighting of the Zeppelin from the airport. 10-24 18:20 - After the long flight the Zeppelin sureley needs some fuel. 10-24 18:21 - Approaching airship with control tower. 10-24 18:22 - A nice jet is preparing for departure while the Zeppelin is landing
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10-24 18:23 - Slowly coming down the last few feet. 10-24 18:24 - Touchdown, only one more flight to go before reaching Moffett Field. 10-24 18:26 - The youngest Zeppelin fan was Owen from Oakland who is only 18 months old.